- sg4@sg4.com.br
- (19) 2515 - 6409
- Jorge Figueiredo Corrêa, 1323, S 7 Pq Taquaral | Pedro Álvares Cabral, 392 - Bosque | Campinas - SP
Os serviços de ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) desenvolvidos pela SG4 partem do Diagnóstico ESG, uma análise e avaliação do nível de aderência às diversas bases relacionadas ao tema ESG. Seguimos as trilhas desenvolvidas pela empresa, conhecendo sua jornada no tema ESG e planos futuros de fortalecimentos e novas implementações. Abaixo listamos demais escopos associados ao ESG executados pela SG4:
As consultorias presenciais ou remotas da SG4 são conduzidas de maneira cuidadosa e alinhada às necessidades dos clientes. A abordagem utilizada envolve o diagnóstico inicial da empresa para que soluções customizadas possam ser elaboradas com base nas necessidades do cliente e sua cultura organizacional. As consultorias e assessorias técnicas da SG4 são baseadas nas melhores práticas de mercado e em padrões normativos, como:
SG4 has a team of Lead Auditors, with extensive experience, who carry out first-party audits (internal audits – conducted at the client itself) and second-party audits (external audits – conducted on behalf of the client at suppliers or other external stakeholders) of systematically and constructively, to solidify knowledge and identify opportunities for improvement.
The audit approach goes far beyond a rigid inspection process, but aims to promote a positive view of the Management System. The method guarantees the technical evaluation of the procedures, impartiality, evaluation of the understanding of the person responsible or added and the thorough evaluation of the evidence.
Audits are customized to suit the guidelines established by the client and carried out as established by ISO 19011, according to the normative standards already presented and other internal rules and procedures, as required.
Whether in person or remotely, the delivery of Audits is planned in advance and customized for the company and the context of the organization. The remote audit protocol is adjusted to enable gains and with the process and full alignment with the company's needs. The report format is also agreed upon in the work planning phase.
Outsourcing is a strategic contracting tool used for the development of specific activities or processes and routines for our clients.
In this contracting modality, SG4 delivers technical capacity and previous experience to add and streamline the implementation or development of specific QHSE management processes of the contracting company, by a specialized person external to the organization, bringing agility and efficiency in execution. The team allocated to the client is trained, mentored and monitored by the SG4 Leadership, with all of SG4's expertise shared.
Advantages for your company:
· On-demand service;
· Cost reduction;
· Risk reduction;
· Agility in the process;
· Customized hiring;
· Experience and added value.
Third-Party Management involves a set of practices aimed at managing outsourced providers throughout their value chain, in order to guarantee compliance and the efficient use of service provider labor. The focus of SG4 is to deeply evaluate the technical documents of service providers with a focus on improving service and processes, resulting in efficient and lasting contracts. Third Party Management includes:
· Risk analysis;
· Verification and validation of documents;
· Storage of information;
· Integrations, approvals and communications.