- sg4@sg4.com.br
- (19) 2515 - 6409
- Jorge Figueiredo Corrêa, 1323, S 7 Pq Taquaral | Pedro Álvares Cabral, 392 - Bosque | Campinas - SP
The Consultants and Auditors Development Program (PDCA) is a free project carried out by SG4 for recent graduates, recent graduates and interested in working in the areas of management, consulting and auditing. The objective is to train professionals to act as consultants for our Team.
The company selects professionals and promotes development in matters related to excellence, management, quality, safety, environment, health and social responsibility. It also stimulates behavioral issues and improves posture in service provision.
The development of the professional future takes place through participation in PDCA training and company projects, promoting technical and behavioral refinement so that these can be allocated to future projects.