- sg4@sg4.com.br
- (19) 2515 - 6409
- Jorge Figueiredo Corrêa, 1323, S 7 Pq Taquaral | Pedro Álvares Cabral, 392 - Bosque | Campinas - SP
Corporate Security is one of the main concerns of companies today, regardless of size or the sector in which they operate. It is important for companies to ensure that their business, employees, assets and information are protected from internal and external risks, including fraud, theft, cyber threats and other forms of threats.
SG4's Corporate Security services promote a technical view on the subject and the construction of customized solutions, capable of accurately assessing existing risks, developing solid security plans and recommendations for implementing measures to protect lives, assets and information.
Here are some reasons why you might want to consider hiring a Security Advisor:
Identification of internal and external threats: This can include threats from competitors, hackers and people who may have access to confidential information.
Risk assessment: including the likelihood of a security breach or information theft.
Market monitoring: helping to identify companies that may be infringing your company's intellectual property.
Monitoring of employees and contractors: in order to ensure that they are not disclosing confidential company information and to prevent breaches of corporate security.
Implementation of corporate security measures: ranging from the installation of monitoring systems, access control and data encryption.